The Orbit Protocol is governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) implemented through Soroban Governor. The DAO exercises control over the protocol by managing an admin contract that interfaces with core protocol components.
Governance Structure
Soroban Governor Integration
Soroban Governor serves as the protocol's governance layer, allowing token holders to:
Create and vote on proposals
Manage protocol parameters
Control protocol upgrades
The Governor has direct authority over the admin contract, which acts as the execution layer for governance decisions.
Administrative Control
Admin Contract Interface
Governance Capabilities
Through the admin contract, the DAO can manage:
Stablecoin Management
Create new stablecoins
Configure initial parameters
Adjust stablecoin supply
Manage Blend pool integration
Protocol Configuration
Set and update Pegkeeper
Configure oracle sources
Manage administrative access
Control contract upgrades
Governance Process
Proposal Creation
Community members submit proposals through Soroban Governor
Proposals specify admin contract functions to be called
Parameters and expected outcomes are defined
Token holders review proposals
Votes are cast according to Governor rules
Results are tallied transparently
Approved proposals are queued
Governor calls admin contract functions
Changes are implemented
Future Developments
We are still working on the token economics and voting powers of the DAO
Last updated