The Treasury contract is the backbone of the protocol, responsible for managing stablecoins and ensuring their stability. The treasury interacts with stablecoins, blend pools, and the pegkeeper to maintain the value peg of stablecoins.
The initialize
function sets up the treasury with an admin and a pegkeeper.
Stablecoin Management:
The add_stablecoin
function allows the admin to add new stablecoins and their corresponding blend pools to the system.
The increase_supply
function enables the admin to mint new stablecoins and supply them to the blend pool, ensuring liquidity.
Peg Maintenance:
The keep_peg
function executes a series of operations to maintain the stablecoin peg. It involves flash loans, liquidations, and trading operations to balance the supply and demand, thereby stabilizing the coin's value.
Read more on pegkeeper usage
The functions set_admin
and set_pegkeeper
allow the current admin to delegate responsibilities to new addresses, ensuring the adaptability of the protocol’s governance and pegkeeping method.
Last updated